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Fixed in 2022.3.26f1, 2023.2.20f1, 6000.0.0b16, 7000.0.0a1



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Crash on OverridingParameterPreparer::OnPrepareVector when entering Play mode



Reproduction steps:
1. Open the "" project
2. Open the "External/PolyStang/Scenes/Mobile" Scene
3. Enter Play mode

Expected results: Play mode runs successfully
Actual results: Editor crashes

Reproducible with: 2022.2.0a10, 2022.3.22f1, 2023.2.14f1, 6000.0.0b12
Not reproducible with: 2021.3.36f1, 2022.2.0a9

Reproducible on: macOS 14.3 (M1)
Not reproducible on: No other environment tested

- If the issue is not reproducible, entering Play mode after reopening the project might help reproduce the issue.
- Deleting the Library folder or extracting the project might also help reproduce the issue.
- On 2022.2.0a10 the Editor freezes, on 2022.2.0a11 the Editor crashes with 0 stack trace.

First few lines of the stacktrace:
#0 0x000001054fc20c in OverridingParameterPreparer::OnPrepareVector(PartialArray<Vector4f>&, GpuProgramParameters::ValueParameter const&) const
#1 0x000001054b0e78 in void PrepareValueParameters<OverridingParameterPreparer>(dynamic_array<GpuProgramParameters::ValueParameter, 0ul> const&, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, dynamic_array<unsigned char, 4ul>&, OverridingParameterPreparer const&)
#2 0x000001054b0754 in GpuProgramParameters::PrepareOverridingValues(ShaderPropertySheet const&, dynamic_array<unsigned char, 4ul>&, dynamic_array<unsigned char, 4ul>{*}, SRPBatcherSubProgramInfo const{*}) const
#3 0x0000010534d384 in ShaderLab::Pass::ComputePassValuesHash(keywords::LocalKeywordState const&, ShaderPropertySheet const*, Shader*, int, int, unsigned int*) const
#4 0x000001052c8f70 in Material::UpdateHashes(Shader*, SharedMaterialData&)

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