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Crash after exiting play mode on 2D Platformer (A$ sample project)



Crash after exiting play mode on 2D Platformer (A$ sample project)

Steps to Repro:

1. open the Unity 2D Platformer 3.0 project from the A$
2. open the scene called Level and click on Play to start the game
3. let the bomb power-up land, pick it up, and deploy the bomb(s)
4. repeat step 3 several times until there are 6+ bomb power-ups
5. Pause the game and exit Play mode

The editor crashes with the following stack trace:

========== OUTPUTING STACK TRACE ==================

0x00000001407D35A9 (Unity) GameObject::SendMessageAny
0x00000001407D3922 (Unity) Unity::Component::SendMessageAny
0x0000000140E1B347 (Unity) CollisionListener2D::SendContactCallbacks
0x0000000140E2AA0F (Unity) CollisionListener2D::ReportContacts
0x0000000140E13C87 (Unity) Collider2D::Cleanup
0x0000000140E176DB (Unity) Collider2D::Deactivate
0x00000001407D4A85 (Unity) GameObject::ActivateAwakeRecursivelyInternal
0x00000001407D48CB (Unity) GameObject::ActivateAwakeRecursivelyInternal
0x00000001407D4B8E (Unity) GameObject::ActivateAwakeRecursively
0x00000001407D4F5D (Unity) GameObject::Deactivate
0x0000000140BEF993 (Unity) DestroyGameObjectHierarchy
0x0000000140C08617 (Unity) DestroyObjectHighLevel
0x00000001412ACAFD (Unity) DestroyWorldObjects
0x00000001413328A2 (Unity) EditorSceneManager::RestoreSceneBackups
0x000000014155C88C (Unity) Application::ExitPlayMode
0x000000014155CCE3 (Unity) Application::SetIsPlaying
0x000000014155D7E8 (Unity) Application::TickTimer
0x000000014162251F (Unity) CrashCallback
0x0000000141624134 (Unity) WinMain
0x000000014193C698 (Unity) strnlen
0x00007FF8D11413D2 (KERNEL32) BaseThreadInitThunk
0x00007FF8D36754E4 (ntdll) RtlUserThreadStart

========== END OF STACKTRACE ===========

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