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Combined static batched mesh changes UV coordinates when playing the scene

Graphics - General


To reproduce the issue follow the steps:
1. Open StaticBatchingBug scene from attached project.
2. Notice how it looks in scene view.
3. Press "Play".
4. You will see texture shifts and uv is slightly different

Regression from 5.2

Reproduced in 5.3.1p1 (7d3d8e90548b), 5.3.1f1 (cc9cbbcc37b4)
Not reproducible in 5.2.2p3 (75b999ee8bfd), 5.1.2p2 (207c2b8718a4)

Comments (1)

  1. JakeTurner

    Apr 26, 2016 05:28

    Internally in the batching code Unity assumes UV2 will be used for lightmaps. Hence when batching the meshes in the test scene it is applying the lightmap scale & offset to the UV2 stream for those meshes which are included in the lighting mapping process. The fix for this use case is for the mesh with the custom UV2 stream and custom shaders to be disabled from the lightmapping generation process then its lightmap scale & offset will be 1,1,0,0 (identity) and texture will not shift when it is batched. Click the "Static" dropdown menu on the mesh to mark it is as static for all of areas except Lightmapping.

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