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Collaboration lose Unity Team access when macbook's lid is closed and reopened



How to reproduce:
1. Create a new project
2. Open the Collaborate window and press the 'Set Project ID' button
3. In the Project Settings window, set organization
4. Press the 'Set Project ID' button in Project Settings
5. Enable Collaborate in Project Settings
6. Create a few Materials in Project Browser
7. Close the laptop's lid and wait for about 10 secs
8. Open the lid
9. Publish changes

Expected result: Changes are saved with no errors
Actual result: 'Refresh complete. Access required for Unity Teams', 'Requires Unity Teams' errors are thrown, or stucks on 'Committing changes to server' message. Changes can not be published until the Editor is restarted

Reproducible with: 2019.4.14f1, 2020.1.10f1, 2020.2.0b10, 2021.1.0a4
Can not test with: 2018.4.29f1 when publishing changes nothing happens

- Tested using MacBook Pro (macOS 11.0 Beta)
- Video of reproduction is attached in Edit
- Not reproducible with Lock Screen or Sleep methods, closing the laptop's lid is necessary

  1. Resolution Note (2021.1.X):

    Collab is currently transitioning into maintenance mode as the team works on a replacement offering, which will be announced in the coming months. Closing this bug as Won't Fix.

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