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Cloud Build Support for Bolt

Package: Visual Scripting


We've had more than one user run into problems with Bolt and Cloud Build. They usually get in touch with Unity, who contacts us, who tells them how to workaround the bug with the AotStubs.cs file (they have to generate it manually in advance). This is not great.

Ideally we can solve this issue permanently for cloud builds in some automatic way (Similar to regular builds).

If this bug is fixed, please close UVS-1082 (Documenting the workaround) or undocument it.

  1. Resolution Note:

    We understand that it is personally important enough for you to have filed a bug report, and we are sorry that we will not be able to address it in a timely fashion, but we have to address bugs in order of impact, and unfortunately this one is minor compare to the other issues listed in our backlog

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