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Under Consideration for 2.10.X, 3.1.X
Found in [Package]
Issue ID
[Cinemachine][UX] Create button and Drag and Drop is allowed when editing Timeline directly from the Assets, while it is not bound to a scene
Reproduction steps:
1. Open the attached “IN-92369_create_button_bug“ project
2. Open the “Assets/Scenes/Tutorial.unity” scene
3. In the Project view, open the “Assets/Scripts/LevelSpecificScripts/Tutorial/PlayerShipTimeline.playable” file.
4. In the opened Timeline view, select the “CinemachineShot” element
5. In the Inspector view, under the “Cinemachine Shot” component, in the “Virtual Camera” field, click the “Create” button
6. Observe that a “Virtual Camera” GameObject was created in the Hierarchy View, but not assigned to the “Virtual Camera” field
7. Drag the created “Virtual Camera” GameObject from the Hierarchy View to the “Virtual Camera” field in the Inspector View
Expected results: The user is not able to create or drag Virtual Cameras to the “Cinemachine Shot” components “Virtual Camera” field
Actual results: A user can create Virtual Cameras when a Timeline is edited directly from the Assets, and not bound to anything in the Scene
Reproduced with: 3.1.2 (2022.3.56f1, 6000.0.34f1, 6000.1.0b1)
Reproduced on: Windows 11 Pro, Ubuntu 24.04
Not reproduced on: no other environment tested
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