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Fixed in 2.4.0-preview.6



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[Cinemachine] Unable to change Virtual Cameras Dead Zone Width and Height in Game View

Package: Cinemachine


Unable to change Virtual Cameras Dead Zone/Soft Zone Width and Height in Game View. Focal yellow dot does not have the freedom to change screen X and Y position.

Steps to repro:
1. Create a new project.
2. Windows > Package Manager > Cinemachine.
3. Cinemachine > Create Virtual Camera.
4. Create a Cube and assign it to Follow and Look At target.
5. Select the blue centre line and drag it to up and down in game view.
6. Select the yellow focal point and move within the screen.

Actual Result:
Unable to change Virtual Cameras Dead Zone Width and Height.
Unable to move the yellow focal point.

Expected Result:
Virtual Cameras Dead Zone Width and Height should be changed from game view.
The yellow focal point should be moved within the screen.

Reproducible on:
2020.1.0a10, 2019.3.0b8, 2019.3.0b1, 2019.3.0a4.

Working Fine in:

Tested with Package Version: 2.3.4, 2.3.3.

Windows 10 & Mac 10.14.

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