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[Cinemachine] Newly created Virtual Camera has incorrect transform values as it doesn't reset to 0,0,0

Package: Cinemachine


Newly created Virtual camera has incorrect transform(position/rotation) values. It should be same as the Main Camera default values.

Steps To Reproduce:

1. Cinemachine > Create Virtual camera
2. Observe the transform of the created virtual camera

Expected Result: The Virtual camera is created with default transform values as the Main Camera

Observed Result: The virtual camera is created with incorrect transform values

Reproducible On: 2020.2.0a5, 2020.1.0b3, 2019.3.07f1

Reproducible On Package Version: 2.5.0

Not Reproducible On Package Version: 2.3.4

  1. Resolution Note:

    This is correct behaviour.  Virtual cameras are created to match the scene view camera, not the main camera

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