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Fixed in 5.5.0



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Issue ID




[CharacterController]Trigger-CharacterController inaccuracy



Steps to reproduce:
1. Download the project and open the scene named "BugScene".
2. Notice that both game objects "Rigidbody+Collider" and "Controller" in the Inspector view has the local X position set to 0.95 and -0.95 respectively.
3. Press play button.
4. Notice that console debugs log "Triggered By Rigidbody+Collider", since both objects trigger game object named "Trigger".
5. Change the local X position of game object named "Controller" to -0.9 or any other value from -0.9 to 0.9. Now console debugs these logs: "Triggered By Rigidbody+Collider" and "Triggered By Controller".

Expected result: when game object named "Controller" stays on trigger, console should accurately debug log that game object named "Controller" triggers game object named "Trigger".

Reproduced on: 5.3.2f1, 5.3.1p4, 5.4.0b8.

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