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CharacterController overrides object's position when teleporting with Transform.Position



How to reproduce:
1. Open attached project ("")
2. Open SampleScene
3. Play
4. Use WASD to move and Space to transform to (0,0,0)

Expected result: Character transforms to (0,0,0).
Actual result: Character sometimes stays in the position it was.

Reproducible with - 2017.4.24f1, 2018.3.10f1, 2019.1.0b8, 2019.2.0a9

Note: only reproducible in the Editor.

  1. Resolution Note:

    The problem here is that auto sync transforms is disabled in the physics settings, so characterController.Move() won't necessarily be aware of the new pose as set by the transform unless a FixedUpdate or Physics.Simulate() called happened in-between transform.position and CC.Move().

    To fix that, either enable auto sync transforms in the physics settings, or sync manually via Physics.SyncTransforms right before calling Move().

Comments (3)

  1. SZtamjan

    May 27, 2024 21:06

    Turns out Rigidbody's interpolation does exactly the same when you're trying to set new transform to the object with such configured Rigidbody. Right after seting the new transform to the object, call Physics.SyncTransforms and it should work perfectly fine.

  2. hbashiri

    Dec 24, 2023 06:35

    The same issue in 2021.3.13 in both the editor and the build version. It's not even consistent, sometimes it happens and sometimes it doesn't. I guess it depends on the frame rate and when my start calls

  3. JampotDev

    Oct 02, 2022 13:26

    I'm having the same issue in version 2021.2.16f1, a version that isn't on the list. I fixed it by syncing manually by calling Physics.SyncTransforms.

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