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Fixed in 0.7.0-preview.1



Found in [Package]


Issue ID




Changing the Frame Selection causes the other graph to lose its Selection when 'Pair Graph Selection' is enabled

Package: Profile Analyzer


How to reproduce:
1. Create a new project
2. Import the Profile Analyzer package from the Package Manager
3. Open the Profile Analyzer window (Window -> Analysis -> Profile Analyzer)
4. In the Profile Analyzer window click the Compare tab and load the attached data (capture1.pdata and capture2.pdata)
5. Make sure 'Pair Graph Selection' option is disabled
6. Select any single frame both in the upper and lower graphs
7. Enable 'Pair Graph Selection'
8. Change the Frame Selection in any way (+,-, <, >, left and right arrow keys or right-click on the graph)

Expected result: both Frame Selections change according to the initially selected frames
Actual result: the paired graph Frame Selection loses its initially selected frame and replicates the other graph's Selection

Reproducible with: 0.5.0 - preview.1 (2018.4.20f1, 2019.3.7f1), 0.6.0 - preview.1 (2020.1.0b3, 2020.2.0a5)
Could not test with package versions: 0.4.0 - preview.3, 0.4.0 - preview.5, 0.4.0 - preview.6 (keyboard commands not introduced)

The issue also occurs when selecting the Longest/ Shortest/ Median Frames with 'Pair Graph Selection' option enabled instead of simply choosing random frames

  1. Resolution Note (fix version 0.7.0-preview.1):

    Frame selection is no longer lost when using keyboard commands in 'Pair Graph Selection'

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