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[Oculus] Cardboard and Oculus Virtual reality SDKs conflict when both are added to the SDK list on Android



To reproduce:

1.Download and open "" project.
2.Go to player settings and notice that 2 Virtual reality SDKs are selected (cardboard and oculus respectively).
3.Build and run application on device which has Android 7 operating system.
4.Notice how both SDKs are ran when app launches.

Expected result: Only one SDK is ran. Application should run only cardboard and if that is not possible only then require permissions of Gear VR which runs on Oculus SDK.
Actual result: Both SDKs are ran. When application launches Gear VR is required and also notification pops up about Cardboard compatibility.

Workaround: The way the GearVR sdk works, when we target GearVR we add a value to the AndroidManifest.xml. The mere presence of the manifest entry causes this dialog box to pop up if the device supports Gear VR. (specifically the = vr_only setting)

Therefore, the recommended workflow here is to have GearVR first, and cardboard second. On devices that support GearVR, it will use GearVR. On devices that don't support gearvr, you won't get the dialog popup and it will fall back to cardboard.

We will update the documentation with this information as a result of this bug and perhaps add a warning to the editor. Sadly, there is nothing we can do about the way the manifest entry works with respect to the dialog on gear vr phones.

Reroduced with: 5.6.0b3, 5.6.0p1, 2017.1.0b1.

Reproduced with:

Verizon SM G930V (Galaxy S7 Verizon), OS:7.0, CPU:arm64-v8a, GPU:Adreno (TM) 530, Build:Verizon/heroqltevzw/heroqltevzw:7.0/NRD90M/G930VVRU4BQA2:user/release-keys

Samsung SM G935F, OS:7.0, CPU:arm64-v8a, GPU:Mali-T880, Build:samsung/hero2ltexx/hero2lte:7.0/NRD90M/G935FXXU1DQB7:user/release-keys

Not reproduced with:

Sony D6603 (Xperia Z3), OS:6.0.1, CPU:armeabi-v7a, GPU:Adreno (TM) 330, Build:Sony/D6603/D6603:5.1.1/23.4.A.1.264/2418263178:user/release-keys

Notes: Does not reproduce with android 6. Could not reproduce on earlier versions because Cardboard compatibility was added in 5.6. Having both SDKs active leads to core functionality being impacted really hard since there is no way to turn off Cardboard notification when device is in Gear VR headset.

  1. Resolution Note:

    This is an issue with Oculus not supporting switching into and out of VR mode. When Oculus supports this functionality we will be able to fix this issue.

Comments (1)

  1. fredsa43

    Feb 01, 2018 21:25

    Recent versions of 2017.2, 2017.3 and 2018.1 will now show the following warnings message in this case:

    "To avoid initialization conflicts on devices which support both Daydream and Oculus based VR, build separate APKs with different package names, targeting only the Daydream or Oculus VR SDK in the respective APK."

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