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CameraDepthNormalsTexture filtering changes, causing decoding issues



Steps to reproduce :

- import the project
- set the game view at 1024x768
- open the scene "DebugDepthNormals"
- note that Camera0 renders to the left half of the screen, Camera1 to the other
- verify that the rightmost half of the screen looks like ProjectFolder/Screenshots/step1.PNG
- select Camera1 and click "Raw Depth". Verify that the rightmost half looks like step2.PNG, uncheck "Raw Depth" after this.
- select Camera0 and click "Get Temp RT". Verify rightmost half against step3.PNG. Scary part is changing settings on Camera0 affects Camera1
- select Camera1 and check "Raw Depth". Verify rightmost half against step4.PNG -notice the bilinear-filtering thing horizontally.
- re-open scene without saving. Select Camera0 and verify that checking the "HDR"-checkbox on Camera0 will have the same effect on Camera1.

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