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Camera Preview shows view from last selected Base Camera for Overlay Cameras



*Steps to reproduce:*
# Open the attached ReproProjectCameraPreview URP project
# Open TestScene in Assets > Scenes
# Observe that there are two Base Cameras in the scene and one Overlay Camera. Each camera is pointing towards a different object
# Toggle on the Camera Preview in the Scene View using the 'Camera' button
# Click between the different cameras in different orders to view their preview

*Actual results:* The Overlay Camera does not display it's own view in the Camera Preview. For the Overlay Camera, the Camera Preview will display the view from the last selected Base Camera.

If the Overlay Camera is the first camera selected for the Camera Preview when it first loads, the view will just be blank until a Base Camera is selected.

*Expected results:* The Overlay Camera has it's own view in the Camera Preview and doesn't just display whatever view the last selected Base Camera had.

*Reproducible with versions:* 6000.0.23f1, 2023.2.0a14, 7000.0.0a4

*Not reproducible with versions:* 2022.3.50f1, 2023.2.0a13, 2021.3.44f1

*Can’t test with versions:* - 

*Tested on (OS):* Windows 11

*Notes:* - 

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