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[CameraPreview] Camera preview became blinking when combining WaterProDaytime and Water4Advanced

Scene/Game View


Camera preview became blinking when combining WaterProDaytime and Water4Advanced

1. What happened
Camera preview became blinking when combining WaterProDaytime and Water4Advanced from Standart Assets
2. How we can reproduce it using the example you attached
1 Open attached project
2 Open scene waterCameraShake and select Water4AdvancedReflectionSceneCamera
3 Open scene WaterAndShakingCamera2 and select Water4AdvancedReflectionSceneCamera

Actual result: notice that in both cases the camera preview and Gizmo are blinking. And in "waterCameraShake" scene even Position (XYZ) values of the camera are jumping

Please see attached video

Comments (1)

  1. solar_blitz

    Oct 28, 2016 19:07

    I encountered this, too, in version 5.3.1p3 (64-bit), but I never combined it with WaterProDaytime so I didn't have the issue in my game.

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