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Fixed in 1.8.17



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Issue ID




"Burst error BC1042: The managed class type `System.IntPtr` is not supported" error is thrown when calling OverlapSphereCommand.ScheduleBatch

Package: Burst


Reproduction steps:
1. Open the “ReproProject“ project
2. Observe the Console window

Expected result: No errors are thrown in the Console window
Actual result: “(0,0): Burst error BC1042: The managed class type `System.IntPtr` is not supported.“ error is thrown in the Console window

Reproducible with: 1.8.10, 1.8.13, 1.8.16 (2022.3.35f1, 6000.0.8f1)

Reproducible on: Windows 11 Pro (22H2)
Not reproducible on: No other environment tested

  1. Resolution Note (fix version 1.8.17):

    The code in the repro project calls {{OverlapSphereCommand.ScheduleBatch}}, which contains some code that is incompatible with Burst. Specifically, there is code that loads from a non-readonly static field. That's why Burst emits a compilation error... however, the specific compilation error emitted was incorrect.

    The error was:

    Burst error BC1042: The managed class type `System.IntPtr` is not supported. Loading from a non-readonly static field `Unity.Jobs.LowLevel.Unsafe.BatchQueryJobStruct`1<Unity.Jobs.LowLevel.Unsafe.BatchQueryJob`2<UnityEngine.OverlapSphereCommand,UnityEngine.ColliderHit>>.jobReflectionData` is not supported

    The first part is incorrect (managed class type...). The second part is the "correct" error message (non-readonly static field is not supported). So we've improved the error message to be more correct and less misleading. It's now:

    Burst error BC1040: Loading from a non-readonly static field `Unity.Jobs.LowLevel.Unsafe.BatchQueryJobStruct`1<Unity.Jobs.LowLevel.Unsafe.BatchQueryJob`2<UnityEngine.OverlapSphereCommand,UnityEngine.ColliderHit>>.jobReflectionData` is not supported

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