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Bright white columns are rendered on a dark GameObject when ReflectionProbe GameObjects are disabled and Probe Volumes are generated



How to reproduce:
1. Open the “IN_31976” project
2. Open the “OutdoorsScene” Scene
3. Select the “Main Camera” GameObject in the Scene view and press the “F” key
4. Observe the “Building” GameObject

Expected result: “Building” GameObject is black
Actual result: “Building” GameObject has a Light Probe stripe

Reproducible with: 2023.1.0b10, 2023.2.0a7
Couldn't test with: 2020.3.46f1, 2021.3.22f1, 2022.2.13f1 (no lighting probe in Lighting window)

Reproducible on: Windows 10 Pro

Note: couldn't test on the Player due to compiler errors

  1. Resolution Note:

    I have troubles reproducing the issue with the project, HDRP is not setup correctly and when i enable everything and bake i don't see any white column
    Reading the forum message though, there are several ways to fix issues when your room isn't axis aligned.
    Using the normal bias setting on the Probe Volume Settings override of the volume system, you can hint APV to sample probes located more inside the room.
    Additionally, you can use a Probe Adjustment volume to mark outside probes as invalid, so that they are less likely to be used for sampling, or alternatively to combine that with dilation so that they inherit values from probes inside the tunnel. You can also use the adjustment volume to manully force a virtual offset and push the probes back inside the room.

    I also suggset using the probe sampling debug mode to see which probes are sampled at a given pixel and get more info on how to fix the issue with the methods mentionned above

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