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[Bolt] Right-clicking in Visual Scripting graph does not open context menu when the window is undocked

Package: Visual Scripting


Reproduction steps:
1. Download and open the attached "Unity VS" project
2. Open the "RandomPosition" graph
3. Undock the Visual Scripting graph window
4. Right-click in the window

Expected result: Context menu opens to add a new node
Actual result: Context menu flashes before disappearing

Reproducible with: 2021.2.6f1, 2022.1.0b2
Could not test with: 2019.4, 2020.3 (Visual scripting is not available until 2021.1)

  1. Resolution Note:

    There is a preference on VS only related to macOS (Limit Fuzzy Finder Height) that will give you this behavior depending on how your screens are positioned.
    * If the graph window is open within the dimensions of the editor the user will be able to see the fuzzy finder, sometimes cut off, depending on the position where it was opened.
    * If the graph window is opened below the Editor regardless if it's on the same screen or on a secondary screen one on top of the other, the user will experience the behavior described on the ticket
    * If the user unchecks that property, the fuzzy finder will open and close without this restriction

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