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Fixed in 2021.3.10f1, 2022.1.12f1



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[Backport] "FocusController has unprocessed focus events" warnings are thrown when deactivating a UIDocument during an event cal


"FocusController has unprocessed focus events" warnings are thrown when deactivating a UIDocument during an event callback and interacting with UI Containers

How to reproduce:
1. Open the attached project "uiRepro"
2. Open the scene "BugScene" and enter Play mode (Assets/BugScene.unity)
3. In the Game view, click the button labeled "Deactivate"
4. Click anywhere inside the Game view
5. Open and inspect the Console window (Window > General > Console)

Expected result: No warnings are seen in the Console
Actual result: "FocusController has unprocessed focus events. Clearing." warning is seen in the Console

Reproducible with: 1.0.0-preview.15, 1.0.0-preview.18 (2021.1.28f1), Built-in (2021.2.4f1, 2022.1.0a16)
Could not test with: 2019.4.33f1 (No UI Toolkit Package available), 1.0.0-preview.18 (2020.3.23f1) (The type or namespace name 'UIDocument' could not be found), 1.0.0-preview.14 (2021.1.28f1) (''DefaultEditorWindowBackend' Console error)

Warning in the Console:
FocusController has unprocessed focus events. Clearing.
UnityEngine.UIElements.UIElementsRuntimeUtilityNative:UpdateRuntimePanels () (at /Users/bokken/buildslave/unity/build/Modules/UIElementsNative/UIElementsUtility.bindings.cs:26)

Comments (2)

  1. Fly81

    Jan 19, 2024 15:27

    I can also confirm this bug, happening in 2022.3 when opening a collapsed Overlay in the SceneView and then clicking out of the SceneView for example the Hierarchy window.

  2. DerDicke

    Sep 29, 2023 11:36

    warning still coming in 2023.1 when fumbling with ToolbarOverlay

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