Search Issue Tracker


Fixed in 6000.0.0b14



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Issue ID




Audio random container is missing from search in query builder mode



The search window is missing an option in query builder mode for filtering Audio Random Container assets.

# Open the Search window (⌘K).
# Toggle the query builder mode on (F1).
# Click on the plus button in the search bar to add a new query block (Tab).
# Navigate to Types.
# Scroll down to look for Audio Random Container.

Expected: An option to choose Audio Random Container is there and it will filter the query with the appropriate assets.

Actual: There's no option to choose Audio Random Container.


This is likely due to the class being marked as internal. You can actually use a workaround to search for Audio Random Container assets by either typing it in the search field or explicitly typing "t:AudioRandomContainer".

  1. Resolution Note (fix version 6000.0.0b14):

    Search: Fix Audio Random Container missing from search in query builder mode.

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