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Fixed in 2020.2.X



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[Asset Importer] Custom framerate error should only be logged when frame rate is used

Asset - Importers


Reproduction steps:
1. Import the attached file.
2. Look at console.

Expected result: No errors are shown when file has no animation / no frame rate is used.

Actual result: When importing FBX from MODO, the error "ImportFBX Errors:
Framerate was set to 0.00, it's been reset to 1.0." is shown when file has no animation / no frame rate is used

Existing Workaround: In Modo, use "Unity Static" preset. It does set properly the FBX global settings for "TimeMode" to default which will get rid of the error.

  1. Resolution Note (fix version 2020.2):

    Fixed in 2021.2.0a1

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