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(Asset DB v1) Deleted Metadata is re-imported based on asset (as opposed to on default behaviour) created off

Asset - Importers


(Asset Importer) Deleted Metadata is re-imported based on asset (as opposed to on default behaviour) created off

Steps to Repro:

1. open a new project using Asset Database V1 in 2019.3
2. create a primitive Sprite asset (e.g. square, triangle, polygon, etc.)
3. view the asset in Explorer and move away the metadata file
4. re-import the sprite to create a new metadata file

Result: The new metadata file is based on the asset.
Expected: The new metadata file is based off default behaviour.

Note: The expected behaviour occurs when using Asset DB V2

  1. Resolution Note:

    There is no currently documented expectation on this behavior, so the change in behavior brought in by the Assets Pipeline V2 (that also influences V1) is considered the new standard, unless there is a compelling business / workflow reason to keep the old behavior (we couldn't find a strong enough reason so far).

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