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Fixed in 4.1.0-preview.8



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[ARKit][ARFoundation][iOS] App freezes on tapping the 'Return' button in any scene

Package: ARFoundation


On tapping the 'Return' button in any scene of ARFoundationSamples project the app freezes

Steps To Reproduce:

1. Download and open the attached project
2. Build for iOS and run through Xcode
3. Select any scene and tap on the 'Return' button to return to main menu scene
4. Repeat step 2 and 3 for multiple scenes

Expected Result:
User is redirected to the main menu

Observed Result:
The app freezes

Reproducible with Device: iPhone7(13.2)

Reproducible On: 2020.2.0b3, 2020.1.05f1, 19.4.10f1

Reproducible with ARFoundationSamples project version 4.0 and above.
Note: The Main scene wasn't available in Project version 3

Environment: Occurs only on mac

  1. Resolution Note (fix version 4.1.0-preview.8):

    Fix will first appear in ARKit XR Plugin 4.1.0-preview.8 and will be backported to 4.0.x later.

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