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Fixed in 2.2.0-preview.3
Found in [Package]
2.2.0 - preview.2
Issue ID
[AR Foundation] Camera is using an autofocus even though it is set to fixed
To reproduce:
1. Open attached project ""
2. Open "ARWorldScene.unity" scene
3. In hierarchy select AR Session Origin > AR Camera
4. Observe in AR Camera Manager component camera Focus Mode is set to Fixed
5. Build for iOS
6. Deploy the Xcode project to iOS device
7. Hold something near the back camera for it to be focused
8. Remove the object from the camera sight
Expected: camera focus stays the same and doesn't focus on more distant objects
Actual: camera autofocuses to distant objects
Reproduced on:
2019.1.13f1 2019.2.0f1 2019.3.0a11
Package version:
Ar Foundation:
- 2.2.0 - preview.3
- 2.2.0 - preview.2
Devices reproduced on:
- iPad Pro 12'9 iOS 13.0
- On 2018.4.6f1 - 2019.1.0f1 getting scripting errors, unable to test
- Errors in 2.1.1 version and earlier, unable to test
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Resolution Note (fix version 2.2.0-preview.3):
While an issue with ARSubsystems that would cause this has been fixed, there is also a bug in ARKit itself that causes this. This has been reported to Apple. A workaround is to set the auto focus mode to auto, wait a frame, and then back to fixed.