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[ARCore] Silent crash on runnigng any AR scene from google ARCore sdk in the editor



Steps To Reproduce:

1. Create a new project
2. Package Manager > Multiplayer HLAPI> Install
3. Package Manager > XR Legacy Input Helpers > Install
3. Download the attached ARCore SDK package and import it
4. Load any scene
5. Hit run in the editor

Expected Result:
Install Instant preview popup appears

Observed Result:
1. If android device isn't connected Editor crashes
2. If android device is connected, Install preview popup appears and editor crashes after hitting okay

Note: The crash reported doesn't open after the crash

Reproducible On: 2020.2.0a14, 2020.1.0b12, 2020.1.0a15

Checked With Google ARCore SDK version: 1.17, 1.16, 1.15 (Crashed with all these packages)

Not Reproducible On: 2020.1.0a14

Environment: Mac Only

Comments (2)

  1. jtachikawa

    Jul 05, 2020 06:31

  2. jtachikawa

    Jul 05, 2020 06:26

    As far as I know, 2019.3.06f does not produce this issue. after 2019.3.06f seems to have this issue.

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