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Fixed in 2023.2.14f1, 6000.0.0b11



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ARC throws the infinite loop pulse warning too many times



The warning where you configure an ARC with infinite loop, pulse, and time set to 0 gets thrown when renaming, duplicating, and launching Unity. This warning should only be thrown when setting Automatic Trigger Mode to Pulse or Loop to Infinite. Additionally, the warning contains no explanation that it had automatically set Time to a different value.

*Regression details*

Regressed in [38086|], which fixes a crash when using AudioSource.loop instead of the ARC's loop infinite mode to trigger infinite amount of clips at the same time.

# Create an ARC (Assets > Create > Audio > Audio Random Container)
# Set Automatic Trigger Mode to Pulse
# Set Loop to Infinite. A warning is expected here
# Rename the ARC asset

Expected: No warning is thrown

Actual: A warning is thrown stating that triggering an infinite amount of samples at the same time in audio random containers is not supported

*Definition of done*
* The console throws a warning when changing Automatic Trigger Mode to Pulse with Time set to 0.00 s and Loop set to Infinite and the ARC's Time value is automatically set to 0.01 s
* The console throws a warning when changing Loop to Infinite with Automatic Trigger Mode set to Pulse and Time set to 0.00 sĀ and the ARC's Time value is automatically set to 0.01 s
* No warning is thrown when *renaming* an ARC with Automatic Trigger Mode set to Pulse, Time set to 0.01 s, and Loop set to Infinite
* No warning is thrown when *duplicating* an ARC with Automatic Trigger Mode set to Pulse, Time set to 0.01 s, and Loop set to Infinite
* No warning is thrown when *launching a project* that contains an ARC with Automatic Trigger Mode set to Pulse, Time set to 0.01 s, and Loop set to Infinite
* The warning thrown tells the user that it automatically changed the ARC's Time to 0.01 s (optional)

*Stack trace*
Triggering an infinite amount of samples at the same time in audio random containers is not supported. (Because 'automatic trigger mode' was set to 'pulse', 'time' was set to a very small number, and 'loop' was set to 'infinite'.)
UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent (int,intptr,bool&) {code}
[Worker0] Triggering an infinite amount of samples at the same time in audio random containers is not supported. (Because 'automatic trigger mode' was set to 'pulse', 'time' was set to a very small number, and 'loop' was set to 'infinite'.)
UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent (int,intptr,bool&){code}

  1. Resolution Note (fix version 6000.0.0b11):

    Fixed Audio Random Container window frequently throwing warnings when being duplicated/renamed/editor opened if loop/time/trigger mode settings would cause an infinite number of clips. Also fixed the message to clearly state we automatically fix the time property.

  2. Resolution Note (fix version 2023.2.14f1):

    Fixed Audio Random Container window frequently throwing warnings when being duplicated/renamed/editor opened if loop/time/trigger mode settings would cause an infinite number of clips. Also fixed the message to clearly state we automatically fix the time property.

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