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Animator state is exited before animation is completed when Exit Time is set to 1



How to reproduce:
1. Open the attached project from ""
2. Open scene "SampleScene"
3. Enter Play Mode
4. Click the button labeled "Start" in Game View
5. Observe Console

Expected result: By the end of the animation Alpha should show 0
Actual result: By the end of the animation Alpha variable fluctuates around 0, but never 0

Reproducible with: 2018.4.28f1, 2019.4.13f1, 2020.1.10f1, 2020.2.0b9, 2021.1.0a2

Notes: One workaround is that you can add a single frame animation to the Idle State. So even if the previous State does not fully finish playing the animation, the Idle State shows the final frame so visually everything looks correct.

  1. Resolution Note:

    This is by design. We don't guarantee that the last frame of the animation is evaluated because the frame rate can differ and the animation system needs to respect the delta times.

    Turning on Write Default allows for deterministic evaluation.

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