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Fixed in 5.1.1



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Issue ID




Animator: Setting speed for a state to a max value produces error



Animator: Setting speed for a state to a max value produces errors in console

1. Set speed for a state to a max allowed number (3.402823e+38)
2. Run the scene
---> Errors in console
"transform.position assign attempt for 'Horse' is not valid. Input position is { NaN, NaN, NaN }."

Reproducible in Unity 5.0 b14
OS: Windows 8.1 x64

Comments (1)

  1. dboehle

    Jul 22, 2015 07:14

    This also appears to happen when setting a speed to 0. Same OS, Unity 5.1.2f1.
    The Editor log shows this as the only line in the stack trace:
    (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/Runtime/Graphics/Transform.cpp Line: 857)

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