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Animation Window no longer adds keys immediately
The first transform (ex: Position) key you add on a GO using the Inspector is added to the Animation window immediately, but all additional keys added through the Inspector do not appear in the AW until the mouse is hovered over the AW UI… then, the created key(s) appear.
- New project
- Open AW
- Create a Cube
- In AW, create an animation Clip
- In AW, enable Preview or Rec mode
- In Inspector, RMB-click on Position transform and select “Add Key”…
- Key is created and appears in the AW
- Change the current time in the AW
- In Inspector, RMB-click on Position transform and select “Add Key” again…
Bug: The added key(s) do not appear in the AW until the mouse is moved over the AW UI.
Expected: The key(s) are added immediately, exactly like the first key.
Note: This issue happens on all subsequent keys, only the first key of a transform works as expected.
This is a regression.
Repro in…
Revision: trunk 5a5aca0fb632
Not repro in…
Revision: trunk 816252c3efbb
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This is a duplicate of issue #1375664