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Animations with Ease In and Out properties glitch when UI Prefab is loaded with Legacy Animation while Timeline window is open

Package: Timeline


Steps to reproduce:
1. Open the attached project ""
2. In the Project window open the "SampleScene.unity" under "Scenes" folder
3. In the Hierarchy window select "Timeline" GameObject and open the Timeline window
4. Enter Play Mode and press "Alpha1" on keyboard to load the Prefab into memory

Expected results: when loading a UI Prefab with Legacy Animation the playing animation with Ease In or Out does not glitch
Actual results: when loading a UI Prefab with Legacy Animation the playing animation with Ease In or Out glitches

Reproduced with: Timeline 1.1.0 (2019.2.19f1), Timeline 1.3.0-preview.6 (2019.3.0f5, 2020.1.0a20)
Could not test with 2017.4 and 2018.4 due to used model completely breaking

-Timeline window must be open and can be seen but doesn't require to be in focus for the issue to reproduce

  1. Resolution Note:

    The glitch is caused by an animation clip being loaded by the prefab, which, by design, causes the timeline window to refresh. This will only happen if the timeline window is open.

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