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Fixed in 2017.2.X



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[Android] Using LZ4 compression with split binaries transfers some of the file size from obb to apk



[Android] Using LZ4 compression when building with split binaries transfers some of the file size from obb to apk
Normal build: 40.2MB apk, 371MB obb
LZ4 build: 161MB apk, 274MB obb

How to reproduce:
1. Open the stripped project from ownCloud
2. Build the project using Build > Production > All Android
3. Move the built files from Project/ATC to some other directory for later
4. Open BuildScript.cs and uncomment line 228 to enable LZ4 compression
5. Build again
6. Compare built file sizes

Expected behaviour: overall build size increase when using LZ4
Actual behaviour: apk file size increases while obb file size decreases

Reproduced on: 5.6.0p3, 5.6.1f1, 5.6.1p1, 2017.1.0b8

Fixed in: 2017.2.0b2
Backported to: 5.6.2p3, 2017.1.0p1

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