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Fixed in 2021.3.28f1, 2022.2.0f1, 2023.2.0a6
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Issue ID
[Android] Invalid ReTrace mapping file is generated when using R8 for minification
Reproduction steps:
1. Download and open the attached project: ""
2. Go to Edit > Project Settings... > Player > Publishing settings
3. Make sure "Use R8" and "Release" checkboxes under Minify are selected
4. Go to Build Settings and check the Build App Bundle (Google Play) checkbox
5. Build the app bundle
6. Open the Google Play Console and upload the app bundle
7. Under "Required features" press the options button to upload the ReTrace mapping file created in the same folder as the built app bundle
8. Upload the mapping file
Expected result: The mapping file is accepted
Actual result: The mapping file is not accepted, an error is thrown - "Couldn't upload. Try again."
Reproducible with: 2020.3.27f1, 2021.2.9f1, 2022.1.0b5, 2022.2.0a2
Could not test with: 2019.4.35f1 (Due to errors upon downgrading the project)
- The naming of the mapping file was the same for both minification versions, thus ruling out file naming as the issue
- The R8 minification mapping file is noticeably smaller and contains fewer lines than the Proguard minification mapping file
- When uploading the app bundle generated with Proguard minification, the ReTrace file is uploaded by default
- In a message below, the user attached screenshots related to the steps for clarification
- The mapping files are attached down below for comparison: "test_mapping_R8.txt", "test_mapping.txt"
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Jul 23, 2023 17:02
Aun se presenta el error.
Jul 23, 2023 16:59
En mi caso toco agregar el siguiente código para solucionar el problema...
Este código lo saque al compilar con Android estudio, no sé si sea diferente para otra persona.
com.unity3d.player.BuildConfig -> com.unity3d.player.BuildConfig:
7:7:void <clinit>() -> <clinit>
6:6:void <init>() -> <init>
com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity -> com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity:
16:16:void <init>() -> <init>
155:157:boolean dispatchKeyEvent(android.view.KeyEvent) -> dispatchKeyEvent
140:142:void onConfigurationChanged(android.content.res.Configuration) -> onConfigurationChanged
35:44:void onCreate(android.os.Bundle) -> onCreate
68:70:void onDestroy() -> onDestroy
164:164:boolean onGenericMotionEvent(android.view.MotionEvent) -> onGenericMotionEvent
162:162:boolean onKeyDown(int,android.view.KeyEvent) -> onKeyDown
161:161:boolean onKeyUp(int,android.view.KeyEvent) -> onKeyUp
123:125:void onLowMemory() -> onLowMemory
61:63:void onNewIntent(android.content.Intent) -> onNewIntent
99:107:void onPause() -> onPause
112:118:void onResume() -> onResume
88:94:void onStart() -> onStart
78:84:void onStop() -> onStop
163:163:boolean onTouchEvent(android.view.MotionEvent) -> onTouchEvent
130:135:void onTrimMemory(int) -> onTrimMemory
53:53:void onUnityPlayerQuitted() -> onUnityPlayerQuitted
48:49:void onUnityPlayerUnloaded() -> onUnityPlayerUnloaded
147:149:void onWindowFocusChanged(boolean) -> onWindowFocusChanged
29:29:java.lang.String updateUnityCommandLineArguments(java.lang.String) -> updateUnityCommandLineArguments