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Fixed in 2021.3.37f1, 2022.3.22f1, 2023.2.14f1, 2023.3.0b10, 7000.0.0a1



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Issue ID




[Android][Burst] Android NDK not installed build error thrown when using SwitchActiveBuildTarget(BuildTargetGroup.Android..)



Steps to reproduce:
1. Open the attached user's project ""
2. Make sure the Android module is installed from the Hub and Preferences > External Tools point towards the correct directory
3. Open the "SampleScene.unity"
4. Make sure the active build target is not Android
5. Click "CustomBuildShortcut > BuildAndroid"
6. Observe console errors

Expected results: No errors are thrown when using SwitchActiveBuildTarget(BuildTargetGroup.Android..)
Actual results: Android NDK not installed build error thrown when using SwitchActiveBuildTarget(BuildTargetGroup.Android..)

Reproducible with: Burst 1.8.9 (2021.3.31f1, 2022.3.12f1, 2023.1.17f1, 2023.2.0b15, 2023.3.0a11)
Could not test lower than Burst 1.8.9 due to the issue no longer reproducing due to mentioned reasons below

Reproducible on: Windows 11, Windows 10
Not reproducible on: No other environment tested

-To fix it, manually set the ANDROID_NDK_ROOT variable:
Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("ANDROID_NDK_ROOT", EditorPrefs.GetString("AndroidNdkRootR19b"));
-If ANDROID_NDK_ROOT has been set on the machine, the issue will not reproduce.
-If you switch active platform from the Editor menu or start the Editor with Android as active platform, the issue will not reproduce
Library\Bee\artifacts\Android\AsyncPluginsFromLinker: Burst internal compiler error: Burst.Compiler.IL.Aot.AotLinkerException: Burst requires the Android NDK to be correctly installed (it can be installed via the unity installer add component) in order to build a standalone player for Android with ARMV7A_NEON32

Comments (1)

  1. Soundguy

    Jan 04, 2024 22:17

    any workarounds?

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