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Altering Mass on a Rigidbody with multiple child colliders causes position change



Steps to reproduce:

1. Open attached project ""
2. Open scene "repro"
3. Select "MeshBox (1)" in hierarchy and notice that it has multiple colliders
4. Run scene and notice that position of MeshBox changes. This happens when there are multiple colliders and object has its mass changed multiple times in the same frame
5. Stop scene
6. If needed, in hierarchy reselect MeshBox and change value "N" of its Change Mass component to 1
7. Run scene again and in Inspector notice that position changes a little (X is usually changed by 0.002)

Additional steps:
8. In hierarchy, expand MeshBox and delete all but one of its child objects
9. Run scene and notice that its position doesn't change at all

Reproduced with: 5.1.4f1, 5.2.4f1, 5.3.3p1, 5.4.0b8

  1. Resolution Note (5.5.0f3):

    Internally, the physics engine works in coordinate systems relative to the centre of mass of bodies and changing mass will trigger some matrix re-computations that may potentially cause numerical drift that's clearly shown in this case.

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