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Under Consideration for 2.3.X



Found in [Package]


Issue ID




Addressables return incorrect Download Size when using GetDownloadSizeAsync()

Package: Addressables


Reproduction steps:
1. Open the attached “IN-94242” project
2. Switch to the Android build platform
3. Open the scene “Kernel” (Assets/Scenes/Kernel.unity)
4. In Window > Asset Management > Addressables > Profiles, set the “Addressables Profile” to “Editor”
5. In Window > Asset Management > Addressables > Groups, hover over “Play Mode Script” and select “Use Existing Build (Android)”
6. In the same Window, hover over Build > New Build, select “Default Build Script” to build the Addressables
7. Wait until the Addressables are built. Host the built files locally in an http server. To do that, open the Terminal/Command prompt inside the root of the project folder and run the following command: python -m http.server 9000 --directory ServerData
8. Open the “AssetPreloader.cs” script (use the Search inside the Project Window to find it) using any IDE
9. Inside the script, go to line 235 and insert a breakpoint (The line has “_PreloaderCacheWaitHandle.Set();_”)
10. Attach the debugger to the editor and enter Play Mode
11. Inside the Game Window, press “Continue” when prompted
12. Wait until the breakpoint is hit
13. In the IDE, observe the “DownloadSize” variable’s value (Using Rider, hovering over the variable inspects it)

Expected result: Addressables.GetDownloadSizeAsync() returns accurate value (in this case, approximately 480)
Actual result: Addressables.GetDownloadSizeAsync() returns incorrect value (in this case, around 1480)

Reproducible with: 2.0.3 (6000.2.0a2), 2.3.1 (6000.0.37f1, 6000.1.0b5, 6000.2.0a2), 2.3.16 (6000.0.37f1)
Not reproducible with: 1.21.21, 1.23.1 (6000.0.37f1)
Couldn’t test with: 2.3.16 (2022.3.57f1) (Errors when project is downgraded and package version is not supported)

Reproduced on: macOS (15.2)
Not reproduced on: No other environments tested

Comments (2)

  1. MoonLabsStudios

    Feb 14, 2025 15:51

    I fix this bug, please see the solution in link above

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