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[investigation needed] GameObject Animators become not valid when instantiated via Addressables after a Scene reload

Package: Build Pipeline - Addressables


Reproduction steps:
1. Open the provided project ""
2. Enter Play Mode
3. Press "ESC" -> "Quit to menu" -> "Start" -> Select a load slot

Expected result: GameObjects with Animators are not made invalid when instantiated via Addressables after a Scene reload
Actual result: GameObjects with Animators become not valid thus disabling the Animations when instantiated via Addressables after a Scene reload

Reproduces on: Addressables 1.3.3 (2019.3.4f1), Addressables 1.6.2 (2020.1.0b1, 2020.2.0a2)
Does not reproduce on: Addressables 1.2.4 (2019.3.4f1), Addressables 1.2.4 (2020.1.0b1, 2020.2.0a2)
Could not test on 2018.4.18f1 due to package errors in the Console

-The issue does not reproduce in Build
-Making a New Addressables Build does not solve the issue
-Error message printed in the Console window:

The Animator Controller (FirstEnemy) you have used is not valid. Animations will not play
DelegateList`1:Invoke(AsyncOperationHandle) (at Library/PackageCache/com.unity.addressables@1.3.3/Runtime/ResourceManager/Util/DelegateList.cs:69)

  1. Resolution Note:

    The issue is actually not related to bundle dependencies.

    According to the last user comment in the FB of ADDR-1293, the issue is caused by duplicated assets in memory due to a "design flaw of how asset bundles work".

    Issue should be reassigned to animation team for confirmation. Closing ticked.

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