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Addressables.LoadAssetAsync API can no longer load Built In Data

Package: Build Pipeline - Addressables


How to reproduce:
1. Open the attached "" project
2. Open the "Main" Scene
3. Open the Adressables Groups Window -> Set the Play Mode Script to "Use Existing Build"
4. Click on Build -> New Build -> Default Build Script
5. Enter the Play Mode

Expected result: "Hellow World\! (Local)" will be printed in the Console Window
Actual result: Built-in Data was not loaded (see the exception being thrown in Console Window)

Reproducible with: 2020.2.0a20 (1.13.1)
Not reproducible with: 2019.4.8f1 (1.11.2), 2020.1.2f1 (1.12.0)

- If set the Play Mode Script is set to "Use Asset Database" the load will succeed
- Could not test on 2018.4, because Adressables Package was not yet introduced in that stream

  1. Resolution Note:

    catalog entries for Resources were getting overwritten in 1.13. fixed in 1.14

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