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Addressables don't detect IPreprocessShaders changes after building new script

Package: Build Pipeline - Addressables


How to reproduce:
1. Open the user's attached "" project
2. Go to Window -> Asset Management -> Addressables -> Groups
3. Clean the Cache (Build -> Clean Build -> All)
4. Build the Script (Build -> New Build -> Default Build Script)
5. Uncomment everything in the "StripShader" script
6. Repeat step 4 and then Build And Run
7. Observe the Cube in the Player

Expected result: Cube is green (IPreprocessShaders change was detected)
Actual result: Cube is red (IPreprocessShaders change was not detected)

Reproducible with: 1.16.6, 1.17.6-preview (2018.4.32f1, 2019.4.22f1, 2020.3.1f1, 2021.1.0b12, 2021.2.0a9)

- It's possible to work around this by cleaning the Cache in step 6 before building a new script

  1. Resolution Note:

    [VersionedCallback] was implemented for adding basic change detection to existing build callbacks. To support the requested use case, this would require changes to the engine callback interfaces which are API breaking changes, additional changes to SBP and the native engine build pipelines would be necessary to support this as well. Due to the scope of that work, and the breaking nature of the requested change, this is not a change we will do at this time.

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