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A new shadow without a clear source is forming on 3D Objects when moving the camera around in the Scene

Package: Scriptable Render Pipeline Lightweight


Steps to reproduce:
1. Open user's attached project ""
2. Open "MainScene"
3. Look at the Structure in the Scene so the camera would be positioned along the positive Global Z-axis
4. Use the mouse wheel to put the camera closer to the structure
5. Notice the weird shadows appearing on the structure

Expected results: Only shadows from structure appear
Actual results: Areas of the structure are shadowed without a clear shadow source

Reproducible with: 2019.1.14f1(5.7.2), 2019.2.3f1(6.9.1), 2019.3.0b2(7.0.1), 2020.1.0a3(7.0.1)
Not Reproducible with: 2018.4.9f1(4.10.0)

  1. Resolution Note:

    This issue is caused by shadow distance being to low, which causes shadow to disappear after the shadow distance. URP doesn't yet support shadow fade distance to the cutoff is hard instead of smooth. When increasing shadow distance, the quality of shadow map will decrease due to rendering a bigger frustum. This can be improved by configuring shadows cascades splits and/or increasing shadowmap quality.

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