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Fixed in 5.4.0



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[2D] Unchecking Override for Android for group of sprites Using ETC1 Compression does not affect all sprites in group



When a group of sprites that use ETC1 compression is selected, unchecking the Override for Android box and clicking apply does not apply the change to all sprites in the group

- open the attached project
- select a group of sprites and look at the Inspector
- check the Override for Android and Compress using ETC1 boxes
- click on Apply
- click on each sprite individually and confirm that they have been set to use ETC1 compression
- select the same group of sprites
- uncheck the Override for Android box and click Apply
- click on each sprite individually

Only one of the selected sprites has been reset (not use ETC1). The other sprites will have unapplied import settings and only reset (not use ETC1) after the user clicks Apply.

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