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Crash on MemoryManager::Deallocate when rapidly calling Addressables.LoadAssetAsync



Reproduction steps:
1. Open the attached project “ReproProj”
2. Open the “Assets/Scenes/SampleScene.unity” Scene
3. In the Hierarchy window select the “Controller” Game Object
4. In the Inspector window press the “Place Item” Button rapidly

Expected result: The button action is done
Actual result: The Editor crashes

Reproducible with: 2022.1.0a1, 2022.1.24f1, 2022.3.25f1
Not reproducible with: 2021.3.37f1
Couldn’t test with: 2023.2.19, 6000.0.b16 (3rd party DLL errors)

Reproducible: macOS 14.4.1 (M1 Max), Windows 10
Not reproducible on: No other environment tested

Note: Couldn’t reproduce the issue when the code is called from Unity UI built-in button

First few lines of the stack trace:
{{#8 0x00000103058858 in MemoryManager::Deallocate(void*, MemLabelId const&, char const*, int)}}
{{#9 0x00000103056700 in free_alloc_internal(void*, MemLabelId const&, char const*, int)}}
{{#10 0x000001037a8db0 in Scripting::LogExceptionFromManaged(ScriptingExceptionPtr, int, char const*, bool, Scripting::LogExceptionFromMangedSettings const*)}}
{{#11 0x00000102ae4b4c in DebugLogHandler_CUSTOM_Internal_LogException(ScriptingBackendNativeObjectPtrOpaque*, ScriptingBackendNativeObjectPtrOpaque*)}}
{{#12 0x000002d2106824 in (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_LogException (System.Exception,UnityEngine.Object) [{0x2c1c223a0} + 0xb4] (0x2d2106770 0x2d21068b8) [0x11d782a80 - Unity Child Domain]}}
{{#13 0x000002d21066c8 in UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException (System.Exception,UnityEngine.Object) [{0x2984475b8} + 0xc8]}}

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