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Fixed in 1.4.2



Found in [Package]



Issue ID




Table is not being released when calling ReleaseTable

Package: Localization Package


1) Open the attached project 

2) Open Scene Bug

3) Press play and open the Addressables Event Viewer (Asset Managements/Addressables/Event Viewer). Enable profiler events


4) Enable GameObject Canvas/Text(TMP)

Notice the profiler events shows the String Table is loaded



5) Disable the Text component.

6) Press the Clear button in the scene view. This will call ReleaseTable

7) Notice the table is still loaded. It should have been released.


The reference count is 3 however we only release the table 2 times. We should not be incrementing the reference count in LoadTableOperation.cs line 93. This is creating an additional dependency reference.

Comment out line 93 and you will see it works as expected. 



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