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Fixed in 1.4.5



Found in [Package]


Issue ID




Activating preview in the Timeline Window when Playable Director is disabled will still preview at the current playhead time

Package: Timeline


Found while investigating case 1153121.

Reproduce :

* Create a Timeline
* Add an Animation Track
* Create a cube in the scene
* Record an animation on the cube and add to the animation track (can be recorded in timeline window)
* Preview the animation in the timeline window
* Select the cube in the scene view and disable the Playable Director in the inspector window
* Observe that the cube does not revert to its original position (the timeline evaluation is still applied)
* Move the playhead in the Timeline window, observe that the cube does not update in the scene view
* Toggle preview Off
* Observe the cube returns to its original position
* Toggle preview On

Expected : Cube does not move
Actual : Cube will preview the animation at the time in the Timeline Window

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