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Fixed in 0.1.3



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[Windows] On 2019.1, some of the input is delayed or never registered. Perf issue.

Package: Input System


On 2019.1 Windows, some of the input have a delay for it to be registered, like button press, stick movement, etc. Sometimes, it is delayed so much that the button seems never pressed or stuck.
This could be a perf issue only happens on 2019.1

1. Download the GitHub project:
2. Go to Assets -> QA -> Input_Test -> Scenes -> 02_Input
3. Enter Playmode in Editor and observe how it works with keyboard & mouse.
4. (optional) Go to Assets -> Demo -> SimpleDemo -> SimpleDemo scene
5. Enter Playmode and try to shoot by clicking left mouse button
6. Observe the shooting pattern.

Expected: there is no delay in detecting any input with ISX

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