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Fixed in 2021.1.X



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[Windows 10] Unity installer terminates when launching with ASLR enabled in the registry



Steps to reproduce:
1. Add attached ASLR.reg to your registry
2. Restart computer
3. Try to launch any version of the Unity installer

Expected result: Unity proceeds with the installation after clicking yes on the "Do you want to allow this app to make changes to this computer?" prompt
Actual result: the installer for Unity terminates

  1. Resolution Note (fix version 2021.1):

    This is resolved in the latest 2020.2+ builds. We currently don't plan to backport to 2019.4 because the code to support this is a significant technology change.

Comments (1)

  1. BlackGateDev

    Sep 17, 2019 17:04

    This issue still persists and it appears to be related to the version of NSIS used in the installer. Newer versions of NSIS (3.x) are reported to have the issue fixed. I would highly recommend support forum admins to take note of the issue so they can help people accordingly.

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