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[WinARM] Scene Overlays can't be docked using touch screen controls



*Steps to reproduce:*

1. Create a new project

2. Open the Scene view window

3. Try moving one of the Overlays and docking it

*Actual results:* The Overlay handle is moved highlights for docking appear. However, the Overlay gets either stuck onscreen or does not dock when placed over a highlighted spot and returns to the original after interacting with a different window

*Expected results:* The Overlay can be moved and docked the same way as when using mouse controls

*Reproducible with versions:* 2023.3.0a3, 6000.0.4f1

*Can’t test with versions:* 2021.3.39f1, 2022.3.31f1, 2023.2.20f1 (Windows ARM was not yet supported

*Tested on (OS):* Windows 11 ARM

{*}Tested on (Device){*}: MS Surface PRO 9

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