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Fixed in 5.5.1



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When the Particle System setting 'Start Lifetime' is set to 80 and 'Prewarm' is checked, Unity standalone crashes



Reproduction steps:
1. Open the attached project 'case_862158-particle_bug';
2. Open the scene 'particlebugtesting';
3. Build in Standalone platform;
4. Open the built program;

Actual result: Unity standalone crashes and shows an error (862158_error.jpg).
Expected result: Unity standalone shouldn't crash.

Note: The crash happens, if 'Start Lifetime' is set exactly to 80 and 'Prewarm' is checked. If 'Prewarm' is turned off, Unity standalone doesn't crash. Also, if 'Start Lifetime' is set to other numbers, like 10, 100, 1000, Unity standalone also doesn't crash. Everything works correctly in the Editor.

Reproduced with: 5.5.0b11, 5.5.0f3, 5.6.0b2
Not reproducible: 5.3.6f1, 5.4.2f2, 5.5.0b1

Comments (1)

  1. bsullivan_bpr

    Dec 21, 2016 03:48

    Seen this on 5.5.0p2 as well.

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