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Fixed in 4.6.X



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Issue ID




When applying changes of UI prefab's disabled child, PosX and PosY values always become zero



To reproduce this issue:

1. Open the attached project
2. Open 'guiPrefabBug' scene
3. Select 'Enabled' object in the hierarchy ( Canvas->Parent->Enabled)
4. Change PosX and PosY values
5. Press Apply and everything applies as expected
6. Disable 'Enabled' gameObject
7. Change PosX and PosY values again
8. Press Apply
9. PosX and PosY values now becomes 0

Comments (4)

  1. PentagramPro

    Oct 08, 2014 21:50

    Btw I have beta 20

  2. PentagramPro

    Oct 08, 2014 21:50

    I have this bug in my project and that is a real problem. I have several Panels on canvas, some of them are disabled. I made prefab from this canvas to be able to place it on every scene. When I try to modify any instance of this prefab and apply changes, some (but not all) positions are reset to zero.
    Want this to be fixed very much X0

  3. DiscoJustice

    Oct 08, 2014 07:03

    This is proving a real problem for me, too - I've been able to make it happen even without prefabs (see bug 635677). Hoping this gets sorted soon!

  4. vptb

    Oct 02, 2014 16:01

    I hope this gets fixed as soon as possible, I already remade my UI 3 times now, because on every new version that was released I thought this was fixed.

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