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Fixed in 5.6.0



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[WebGL] [WebcamTexture] [Google] Camera won't open second time if allowed first time and then page was refreshed



Prerequisite to reproduce: A webcam

To reproduce:
1) Open attached project and scene
2) Drag the script in the project onto a plane
3) Build and run it on either of Google's browsers (Chrome or Canary)
4) When asked for permission to use camera, accept
5) Refresh page

Expected: Browser asks again whether you want to use camera
Actual: No request is made, and plane never becomes a webcam

Reproduced in 5.5.1f1, 5.5.3f1
Not reproduced in 5.6.0f3

Reproduced in Chrome 57.0.2987.98 (64-bit), Canary 59.0.3056.1 version (official made) canary SyzyASan (32-bit)
Not reproduced in Firefox 52.0.1

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