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Fixed in 2017.2.0f3



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Warning message is uninformative when trying to use Clamp sprite for Tiled UI image



All textures now have advanced settings and the Packing tag does not exist anymore. This can be confusing as someone starts looking for Advanced texture in the Texture Type

Steps to reproduce:
1. Create a new project
2. Create a UI image
3. Import a Sprite into the Editor
4. Set Sprite as image for the UI image
5. Read the Warning message that appears

Actual message: "It looks like you want to tile a sprite with no border. It would be more efficient to convert Sprite to Advanced texture, clear the Packing tag and set the Wrap mode to Repeat"
Expected message: shortened to "... It would be more efficient to set the Wrap mode to Repeat"

The Advanced texture settings and Packing tag are gone on versions 5.5 and above

Comments (2)

  1. Cryptite42

    Feb 06, 2020 17:48

    This is still in 2019.1.13f1 and see it.

    It does indeed seem to mean "Don't put this in an Atlas". I had some rendering issues when it was atlassed. After moving it out of an Atlas and ensuring Wrap Mode was Repeat, it worked fine.

  2. Gillissie

    Apr 06, 2019 06:23

    I'm using 2018.3.11f1, and still see this weird, confusing warning.
    I still don't understand what it's trying to suggest anyway. Is it suggesting using a sprite that's not part of an atlas?

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